Saturday, July 4, 2009

Stop Spending Our Future - The Crisis

This 2+ min video outlines and gives historical context to the recent, on-going and future government spending. Although informative, it strikes an alarmist and blaming tone (in my opinion it's justified but blame doesn't solve problems). I find the numbers alone are frightening enough: I think there is no need for trying to induce panic in the viewer with mood music and a symbolic diver.

Agenda: showcase the scale of government spending, get viewer to question the government spending

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Crude Awakening

A Crude Awakening is a 1 hour 22 min documentary all about oil: its uses, our dependence, the implications of peak oil, and the consequences of a petro system. It is very high-quality and well done, with a nice soundtrack of Philip Glass. It is relatively bias-free, as in it doesn't demonize any one group; I found it more informative and education-orientation than persuasive and action-oriented. It is a great, easy-to-watch, powerful documentary that I highly recommend.

Agenda: explore our socio-economic integration with petroleum, explore the topic of peak oil and its possible consequences on the world, review current alternatives to oil.